Metamask® Extension®

Explore blockchain applications securely and conveniently with MetaMask Extension. Empowering you to engage with the decentralized web with peace of mind.

Take control of your digital identity and assets with MetaMask Extension. Experience the future of finance, decentralized.

  1. Go to the Official MetaMask Website: Visit to ensure you're getting the authentic extension.

  2. Choose Your Browser: MetaMask supports Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge. Click on the download link suitable for your browser.

  3. Add to Browser: Click on the "Add to Chrome" or the equivalent button for your browser to install the extension.

  4. Follow Setup Instructions: After installation, you will be guided through the setup process which includes creating a new wallet or importing an existing one.

How to Use MetaMask

  • Sending and Receiving ETH and Tokens: With MetaMask, you can easily send and receive Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens. Navigate to the 'Send' tab, input the receiver's public address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction.

  • Interacting with dApps: MetaMask serves as a bridge to decentralized applications. By connecting your wallet, you can interact with dApps directly from your browser.

  • Token Swaps: MetaMask includes a 'Swap' feature that allows you to exchange one token for another directly within the wallet, offering convenience and speed.

MetaMask Safety Tips

  • Keep Your Private Key Secure: Never share your private key or seed phrase with anyone. This is the only way to access your funds.

  • Double-Check URLs: Always ensure you're visiting the official website or a trusted dApp platform to avoid phishing attempts.

  • Regularly Backup Your Account: Make sure to keep an updated backup of your seed phrase in a safe place.

Last updated